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Spacecraft Model Type 1:

With the materials provided in the box, you can make 1 of 4 types of spacecraft. To make the first model, you must:
  1. Rectangular Box Construction:
    • Find a piece of long rectangular metal with fold marks
    • The fold marks provided are to help fold the piece into a rectangular box.
    • ​Fold the metal piece into a rectangular box.
  2. Circular Disc Attachment:
    • There will now be a circular disc piece that is stuck to a thin square-like metal
    • This can be attached to the end of the rectangular box.
  3. Optional Motor:
    • If bought, an optional motor can be inserted into the rectangular box you created.
  4. Gold Foil Wrap:
    • Stick the piece of gold foil to the box and wrap it around so that it looks like a shiny gold box.
  5. Caps and Antenna:
    • Put the caps on the end of the box that isn't covered
    • Place the antenna on either the top, bottom or on the back cap of the gold foil box.
  6. Satellite Dish:
    • Next, there will be a bowl-shaped disc and a triangular metal frame.
    • Attach the two so that it looks like a triangular pyramid coming out of a bowl.
  7. Solar Panels:
    • Attach this whole structure to the front of the golden box and then put 2 or 4 solar panels on the sides.
    • ​If 2, plug in the other 2 holes with the golden caps given.
  8. Your Satellite is now finished

Here are our design plans for the most renouned spacecrafts:

Spacecraft Model Type 2:

With the materials provided in the box, you can make 1 of 4 types of spacecraft.
To make the second model, you must:

  1. For the following initial steps use the letter A
  2. Cone:
    • Look for the bendable white plastic circle
    • Fold the circular piece so the ends touch and reach the black line indicated on it to form a cone
  3. Body:
    • Attach the cone with the white flat cap on top of the tip and a white disc
    • Next, there will be around 7 cylindrical pieces that are all white but one pinkish.
    • Attach each piece in a consecutive order so that it follows A1-A7 downwards.
    • At the end of the long white cylindrical piece you have created, end of A7, attach a thruster labeled T-A.
    • Place the cone created in step 2 on top of, on top of A1, the long white piece created.
  4. Repeat steps 2-8 but A is replaced with the letter B
  5. Orange Cone:
    • ​There will be a orange large beveled cone and 2 hollow orange cylindrical pieces
  6. Put together each piece in the following order:
    • Cone, lighter orange cylinder, orange cylinder
  7. Space Shuttle:
    • Take the piece that looks a bit like an airplane and also the wings
    • Attach the wings on each side of the shuttle with respect to the letter L and R
    • Find and place 3 thrusters labeled T1, T2, and T3 in their respective positions on the Shuttle
  8. Final Touches:
    • Attach the Space Shuttle to the orange piece made earlier
    • Finally, attach piece A on the left of the space shuttle and orange piece and piece B on the other side
  9. Your Space Shuttle is now finished

Spacecraft Model Type 3:

With the materials provided in the box, you can make 1 of 4 types of spacecraft. To make the third model, you must:
  1. Chassis Assembly:
    • Find a large, flat, rectangular metal plate with pre-drilled holes
    • Next, find 6 suspension arms with 3 arms each and attach them to the frame so that it pivots
  2. Wheel Attachment:
    • Take 6 wheels with axels
    • Attach each wheel to the suspension arm so that it rotates freely
  3. Body Frame Construction:
    • Find the metal, rectangular frame with attachment points
    • Align and then snap the frame in place on top of the pre-drilled holes
  4. Solar Panels:
    • Take 2 solar panels and attach them to the sides of the body frame
    • Position them so that they align with the markings
  5. Antenna Installation:
    • Find the dish-shaped antenna and mounting bracket
    • Attach the 2 and secure the piece to the designated part on the body frame
  6. Camera Mast Assembly:
    • Find a tall, thin, shiny rod and a camera
    • Attach the camera at the top of the rod
    • Secure the camera mast to the front of the body frame
  7. Science Instruments:
    • Small parts may be added around the body frame in the remaining slots for presentation
    • Optional Motor and Battery
    • Place the battery in a place in the frame
    • Connect the battery and the wheels to the motor through a connector piece provided
  8. Final Touches:
    • Make sure everything you attached is in the right position
    • If you have a motor and battery then make sure the connector piece is properly attached
  9. Your Mars Rover is now finished

Spacecraft Model Type 4:

With the materials provided in the box, you can make 1 of 4 types of spacecraft. To make the first model, you must:
  1. Main Body Construction
    • Find a piece of long rectangular metal with fold marks
    • The fold marks provided are to help fold the piece into a rectangular box
    • ​Fold the metal piece into a rectangular box
    • Snap smaller rectangular panels into place on the metal rectangular box you have created
  2. High-Gain Antenna Assembly
    • Find the large dish shaped antenna and attach it to the support structure
    • Secure this to the main body
  3. Science Boom Attachment
    • Find the long, thin rod with scientific instruments attached
    • Snap the end of the rod, the science boom, to main body
  4. Magnetometer Boom
    • Find the extendable long rod, called the magnetometer boom
    • Securely fasten it to the opposite side of the main body
  5. RTGs
    • Find and attach a flashlight shaped object and attach it to the bottom of the main body using the mounting brackets
  6. Planetary Radio Astronomy and Plasma Wave Antennas
    • Locate 2 long thing wires, the antennas
    • Attach the antennas so that they are pointing outwards near the bottom and back of the main body
  7. Final Touches
    • Add any additional parts to their assigned positions on the model as presentation
    • Double check everything is secure and adjust anything that isn't fastened
  8. Your Voyager 1 is now finished
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